
Friday, March 15, 2013

Around the farm

This is my very first cow. Jobo named him Ninja.  I call him Ninj!  I am almost certain he thinks I'm his mommy too! 

Our barn. We actually cut down the trees, took them to the sawmill, and we, as in the hubs and I, built it our self!

Ok, the one on the left is Leo and the right is Charlie.  The boys named them as well.  Looks like I am only going to get dibs on the girl names!

This here is Tom.  He is about 5 years old.  I doubt we will ever get rid of him.  He is really friendly and talks way to much.  Fun to have around the barn.

Conrbread.  Jobo has named about 3 other animals that as well.  Not sure his fascination with that name!

Ninja getting love!  I am so lucky to have a husband who loves animals like I do.

Ginger.  She is 8 years old this March.  Set in her ways, runs things in the barn-trys to run things in the house, and is spoiled rotten.  Major sheading going on right now though and I am not liking it!

View from the middle field.  Love!

Ellie and her sweet little Willow

Maybelle pre baby earlier today.


Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to the babies!  Haven't decided on names yet but will by the end of the night! 

Here is the story!  ..........

My daddy came up for a  surprise visit.  He and I were in the kitchen catching up and just goofin off.  Jeff was fixing to make a run to town to get a new wheelbarrow.  He walked out the front door and yelled for me.

Dropped the can of corn I was holding, (showing daddy what we canned last year) ran to the front and to the field.  Maybelle had already had two of her babies and we made it there just in time to watch the last! 

This was my first delivery!  It was awesome and cool that my boys and daddy were able to see it to.  Posting pictures in a minute!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


MAN!  This is way harder than I thought! Who knew! If I were to try to write down just a few of my thoughts I would be on here all day!  There is so much that I want to share but just getting the blog up and running is a real challenge for this technology declined momma!

Please help me by liking my page and commenting if you find something of interest. 

New posters

Today I went to Staples to get a poster laminated.  Besides the fact that it cost me $10.00 to laminate a $1.00 poster, I found some really neat posters for my schoolroom.  I always love going to The Dollar Tree to see what new things they have.  I was sad that they didnt' have anymore of the robot bucks that we use so frequently.  I guess I better get to printing some off.  I plan on taking some pictures today so I can update share our schoolroom!  I have always enjoyed seeing other peoples area!


So here goes another day of no action from Maybelle.  Every morning I go look out of the boys windows to see if I can see her in the side pasture.  With every ounce expecting her to not be in there I can hardly wait to look!  So I open the curtains and yep, there she is.  In the darn field.  Still big as a mac truck.  It is taking her longer by the day to get to her stall to feed up.  I am certain that if she doesn't have her littles by this weekend we will be getting a visit from the goat O.B!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In the Garden

The last few years have kind of been experiments for us.  Last year being our most productive garden yet.  This year we are planning a little differently though.  We planted so much of certain things that there is no way we could ever eat or give away all of it.  There was just to much.  I only want to plant what we will eat and I want to plant a lot of it!

There is no reason to plant things just because we have the space.  I only want to spend my time on things that are going to go in my kitchen and make meals for my family.  My intentions are to plant just enough for what we can use and not have any waste.  Previous years we have had to just let things go like okra, peppers, and tomatoes because we just couldn't do anything else with them.  We had way to much.  No more waste. No more waste!!

I have recently in the last 3 years began to learn how to can and preserve things we grow.  I think last year we canned over 600 ears of corn, no telling how many jars that came to be.  We also canned potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and cabbage.  We froze onions, peas, several different types of peppers, some corn and squash.

This year my plan is to can almost every thing we grow.  We are going to stay away from things that we have an abundance of from last year and plant more of things we ran out of.  I also plan on making several things to sell.  With our farm growing every year I am finding that I really want to get it together and figure a way to make some extra bucks.  I know I would be willing to buy from local farmers if I didn't have the means to grow my own.

Last week me and my littles planted a tray with all sorts of veggies.  Everything is coming up really nice.  Looks like it will be ready just in time to be transferred to the garden.  I am so lucky that my boys love to do that sort of thing and that we are in a place where we can show them how to.  Gardening is such a lost art and there is such a disconnect between eating food and knowing how it's grown. 

I look forward to sharing photos and posts about how this all goes!  Wish me luck!